Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Mom with one of the man that she adores


Kelentang -kelentung kat dapo... Alamak, Mom tengah masak ker?
I was watching tv... Baru nak bermalas-malasan...

Tengok kejap lah, mom masak apa... Kalau tak tolong apa2 rasa guilty pulak masa makan nanti.

"mom, masak apa tu?"

"Aku puasa, nak makan ubi rebus. Ni ada asam rebus ikan kembung. Takde minyak. Orang nak diet makan ni bagus"

Occay,... even mom thought i got to be on a diet? huahahaha!

Banyaknyer mom rebus ubi. Apa yang sedapnyer ubi kayu rebus ni. I just couldn't get it. I love potatoes and sweet potatoes.. tapi ubi kayu? Boley lar sekali skala makan ngan sambal tumis. But I noticed mom and her siblings excited betul kalau ada ubi rebus. So I asked her...

According to her when they grew up, my Jaayi(grandpa) couldn't afford to provide them rice all the time. My mom is the 6th of 13 siblings. Kadang-kadang ubi kayu lah jadi makanan ruji. Nyai(grandma) buat opak-opak dari ubi kayu untuk di jual. (Ubi kayu yang diparut, diuli dan letakkan atas tutup periuk yang dibawahnya ada air panas seolah di stim dan kemudian dijemur).

Even though that moment was long time ago, and now, thank god.. Alhamdulillah, mom and all her siblings live a better life, but they sometimes do miss the old time dishes and foods they used to have. Just like Dad favors the kerak-kerak nasi in the rice pot. Sebab dulu Dad selalu dapat makan kerak nasi sebab mengalah dengan adik-adik.

Kita semua, generasi sekarang patut bersyukur. I'm grateful with what I have. Tak payah kena makan ubi kayu rebus, kerak nasi all the time.

Terlebih makan adalah!


Bulan Chantek said...

cute....hehehe ubi kayu..mmmm its remind me during my makanan for tea time...or simple n malas day for my mom to cook...kelentang kelentung...heheheh that is d sign of they need us onboard too...

JuJu Eyedaa said...

hihihihi.. betul jgk kan... kelentang kelentung was a hint actually..