Slept in really late last nite. I was chatting with one of my best fren, Dila. A lot of things was on my mind. I just really need someone to talk to. She was chatting with me while preparing dinner, there at DC. I felt better... and managed to retire and turn in to bed.
I woke up later. Checked my handphone. Gosh! So many missed calls and sms. But none were from the contractor. Normally they will call, and ask me to open the gate. Mmmm? they didn't turn up today. Hubby was still sleeping. I went down and look out. Nope. No contractors. Then I went to kitchen and took out the frozen chic from the fridge to defrost. Then I switched on my lap top, check my emails and facebook. Replied my sms, returned those missed calls, look through my to-do list. Lots have been pending due to my present in the house was needed as long as the contractors is working. Sigh...
Then, I did the laundry. Called a fren whom asked me to join her at lunch earlier. I asked her out for dinner instead. Another fren cudn't make it. I cooked dinner for hubby. ( terung sambal, labu masak lemak and ayam masak kicap) At around 7:30pm, my sister in-laws came by. They all watched dvd and I left around 8:30p.m
Fetched my fren, talked all the way to Bora Asmara. Apparently we both really needed to talk... We had a great time, talking our hearts out... sharing our thoughts and daily life stories. The food was good, the music was soothing and we were relaxed.!
Dropped by at 7-eleven to get some ice-creams for her children before sending her home, I called home and learned that hubbby and his siblings were having a movie marathon since evening.
I joined them, only till half an hour later my hubby suggested that I made them some snack or something. So, there I go... I made them burgers with pickles , cheese and onions on a sesame seed bun, and french fries on the side.
Yeay! That was how I spent my yesterday!
Sigh! That was how I spent my yesterday?