1st of July 1974
Yesterday was my parents 34th wedding annivesarry. They asked me to suggest where to go for dinner. Dad preferred somewhere near. Mom said, any where will do as long as its ala carte coz she wouldn't want to have buffet dinner. Dian will drive them. Several places been suggested. Fine dinning restaurants, Steak house, Hotels.
I dropped by at Mom's before I went to Bangsar to get something. I offered to drive them there, incase they wanted to have dinner around there. Turned up they decided to go to Armada, PJ.
To cut it short, they end up having dinner at Concorde, KL. hihihi... I was there at Mom's when they got back. Mom was in such good mood! And was rushing into the house and asked Anna to help her to unhook her outfit. We asked her how was the dinner. She answered,"Penat!" What? apa tu? penat? Then she explained, penat makan. Both of them wanted to have ala carte, but the buffet dinner was so tempting. So, they end up having buffet....Hahaha! Tu yang penat! hihihi Chomel jer...
Mom and Dad! Congratulations!!! May Allah bless you with good health, love and more happy moments together! We all love you! -aida, girl, dian ,amin, anna, dboy plus menantu2....