Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Couldn't really sleep, i watched a programme on channel 733 (Discovery Home & Health). Then, I heard random drops of rain from the back of the kitchen. Must've been from the awning extension. The TV reception was getting worse and so I switched it off. I reached for a coffee table sort-of-book that i had recently. It was a pictorial history of Malaysia from 1400-2004. The author, Wan Kadijah Moore was an Australian born, but has spent much of the 20 years of living in and writting about Malaysia. I reckon she married a local.

I've fairly gone thru the pictures in the book several times before... while watching tv or in between tiding up the table. But today i did managed to read it. It was indeed a good book! Haven't got to finish it coz the rain got heavier and i heard the wind whistled thru the sliding door.

And yes that kinda creeps me out... moreover, the wind chime from my neighbour's balcony jingled in crescendo!

I ended up curling in my bed with a torchlight by the bedside and Hubby's t-shirt on, hoping to be hypnotised to sleep by the sounds of the raindrops from the balcony.

My eyes were still blinking an hour later.