Monday, June 16, 2008


We went for a dinner at Kunang-Kunang on Father's Day. Located at MRRII, just behind Shell (used to be Projet and now ada 7e)....

We all had a great time,.. we loved the calamari, crispy and fresh! Owh we love the Bandung Soda, Peach Blended and Tiramisu Mocha blended... Mom loves the Nasi Goreng Petai! But their pasta was so-so ajeww lar...

Happy Father's Day, Dad!
I remember having some quality times with dad... bookshops, library, hospitals check-ups, book exhibition... and not forgetting mamak restaurants... I remember there was one time when mom was at kampong visiting her dad. I stayed with dad because I was already in school. Dad cooked some vegetables, that end up tasting like tomyam... hahahha! which was good actually...

Dad always enjoy his kids singing. Still kids ker? Encourage us to write hence all the diaries we had...and always remind us to read a lot.(You'll know if you've seen our house.)

Dad, thanks for being a great Dad, being a very informative Dad, and being the most loving Dad! We love you Dad!

My lovely parents

Ameen, Anna, Dian and Dboy

Wish that Girl was here too...

Anna and Dian was busy taking photo of Dad


Unknown said...

jue, macam best je kunang kunang ni..kat mana yek excatly. dah dekat dgn rumah ni..asyik makan tempat yang sama aje boring pulak...

JuJu Eyedaa said...

beb, dia punyer calamari best... nearly as good as kt cozy tp kt sini x der letak pepper... mcm tawar skit lar.. tp byk and murah ok... 7.90 jewww...

kalau ko nk gi gombak kt mrr11,... on d left ada shell,.. (projet lama) ko masuk situ... kt blkg shell tu lar kunang kunang..